Amely Break Up

The band released the following statement:
"Dear friends, family, and dearest fans,
We regret the news that many of you have feared, but the time has come where Amely is no more.
This decision did not come lightly and was the effect of a great
number of things that seemed beyond our control. It has been a more
than amazing journey with our best friends and this destination we've
now reached is not an end, it is a new beginning. Although we have
been extremely discouraged by the discourse that fell upon us, we have
not let it knock us down and we hope that you can stay strong with all
of us.
Since the start of this year and even before that we have been
writing for what we intended to be our first full-length album. As the
chance to professionally produce our music appeared to grow further in
distance we took it upon ourselves to record the songs that we had
poured our hearts into. After combining the diverse and plenty skills
of all 4 of us, these home recordings are all that's left of Amely. We
believe this is some of our greatest work and we want to be able to
share it with you. Though it may come as a parting gift, we hope this
collection of songs finds you well. It may be the remains of Amely,
but we hope it reminds you, this is not the end.
- Petie, Brandon, Patrick, and Nate"