Albums That Changed My Life: Ned Russin (Title Fight)

The band are currently touring across the US on this year's AP tour in support of their stunning debut album, 'Shed'. If you haven't heard the record yet, make sure its your top priority of the day!

I got into this record from being into Blink-182 who referenced being influenced by The Descendents a lot. I think I got the record in 6th grade. It was aggressive and pissed and fast and that's exactly what I liked about it, plus they sang about girls and I liked that.

Minor Threat was a band that I had known about and had known were important for a very long time, but when I checked out their Complete Discography it completely lived up to everything I had been expecting. Minor Threat is one of the most important bands for a reason, because they actually wrote good songs.

I remember listening to this record every single day for such a long time. It was melodic yet hard. It was a complete different side of NYHC that I had not found yet. Walter (Schreifels) is one of my favorite song writers and this is some of his finest work.

This record took me a little while to get into. I thought the intro to "Save Your Generation" was just too dissonant. Once I heard "Chemistry" I just completely changed my mind. The song writing is top notch and the lyrics are even better.

No other record can match the power and intensity of this record. The music is so fast and angry and the lyrics touch on actual important and interesting subjects. This is my favorite record.