Albums That Changed My Life: Transit

We put the question to the band and this what they came back with...

"Something To Write Home About" is the album I had to pick, simply because it is without a doubt my first exposure to a songwriter that wasn't afraid to be honest and abstract. I'd like to think that anyone who's read the lyrics to all of our releases could see their influence on me.
When we were recording the "Stay Home" EP, the idea of doing a Get Up Kids cover was proposed, and for me the hardest part was choosing which song I'd wanted most off this album. It's just perfect start to finish.
Cryptic, catchy, full of energy and life. I really doubt there will ever be another album that influences me and affects my life like "Something To Write Home About" did. I could rave on and on about it and quote countless lyrics, but since I'm sure there are plenty of people who are reading this who haven't listened to this 10+ year old album. GO LISTEN TO IT NOW!

In the early part of 2007, Transit was recording our first EP, "Let It Out" with our good friend, and local producer Jay Maas (Title Fight, Verse, Cruel Hand, Defeater). One night in the studio he was listening to something that caught my ear, when I asked him who it was, he replied, "The Exit", you gotta own this record, it's called "Home For An Island." The next day I was at the Newbury Comics by the Square One Mall, saw the CD and picked it up. I was eighteen at the time, in my senior year of high school, and going through a major transition period of my life. I remember listening to the record thousands of times during the second half of my senior year. So much of the record stuck out to me. The production, the musicianship of the artists, and what grabbed me the most was how the record flowed and changed from one song to the next. Each song is like a different short story that together, make up the best book you'll ever read. You haven't heard a "mature" sounding record, until you listen to this one. I'll never forget listening to "Home For An Island" and thinking, "this is what music is supposed to be like". Even now during overnight drives on tour, I throw on The Exit, and any anxiety or anger I could be feeling goes out the window.

A friend of mine showed me a song off this record in my freshman year in high school and I was really caught off guard. It was a happy medium of the heavy music and the more heartfelt stuff I was currently into- something I was constantly looking for. I remember being in a Newbury Comics and having "Songs For the Self Destructive" in one hand and a Northstar record in the other, trying to figure out what to spend my only $20 on. I went with Moment. They were a small band from the North Shore of Massachusetts. I'm not sure how much they really did, and they broke up before I even got a chance to see them. I'd kill to be able to change that.
The record has a midwestern emo kind of vibe to it, but with a lot more punk feel. I hate trying to categorize it because its so special, but want to put it in perspective. The guitar work is great - I remember being like, "Wow, these dudes just write SONGS." There was no structure, it was just flow and vibe the whole time. This was eye opening to me, and really changed the way I looked at and wrote music. The best part of the record is definitely the lyrics, though. They're just real as hell. Super sad, super angry, and really in your face. The album touched on every little thing that could piss a teenage kid off. Straight up, I'd get every line from this record tattooed on my body.
"When I drown unaccepted, just remember I always knew why you did it. Just remember, I could have swam. I just didn't. I'm not trying to fuck up this is how I am."
It's a tough record to find, but I would highly suggest anyone going out of their way to give it a listen.
The most recent record that has changed my life is "Moment Of Truth" by Gang Starr.When I was 15 years old, my buddy started showing me bits and pieces of all different Gang Starr material. It was as soon as I had heard the track "Above The Clouds" that I knew that this record was going to be unbelievable. What really won me over was the production on this record. DJ Premier is one of my favorite producers, and he kills every track on this record. Guru is one of the top MC's of all time, his lyrics are untouchable compared to a lot of other MC's. "Moment Of Truth" opened up a new style of music for me. Hip-Hop. Premo and Guru do no wrong on this entire record, and it all just hits so hard. As a drummer, Premo's beats really catch my ear, and to be honest, it allows me to be more creative with small drum hooks, whether it's part of a fill or an entire part of a song. This record made me understand true hip-hop, and turn away from all of the mainstream "hip-hop" that's coming out today. "You're in the terror dome like my man Chuck D said, It's time to dethrone you clones, and all you knuckleheads 'Cause MC's have used up extended warranties,while real MC's and DJ's are a minority."
Torre Cioffi (guitar)

American Football - Self-Titled

American Football - Self-Titled
The album that changed my life is without a doubt American Football - 'Self-Titled'. This is the first record that made me want to break away from the music I was currently writing at the time and made me want to write songs that were different. To me, anything Mike Kinsella is a part of is flawless and there is no room for error in his writing. Once I came to that realization it truly inspired me to try and write something that was different. When I heard those songs for the first time I remember thinking immediately how beautifully and well-written the music was and how heartfelt and real the lyrics were. The songs have a lot of character in each part and really got me into different time signatures and alternate tunings. This record is absolutely amazing and anyone should give this album a listen if they haven't.