Album Review: A Loss For Words - No Sanctuary

In an interview earlier this year, guitarist Mark Dangora explained to ATP! the bands’ vision for 'No Sanctuary', stating: “We want the record to be big sounding, loud guitars and catchy vocals.” And, true to their manifesto, AL4W have delivered on just about every level.
Immediately, we’re introduced to the band’s thrusting, full throttle manner; ‘Honeymoon Eyes’ demonstrating their heavier side early on. Commendable though, is how seamlessly their varying styles merge, with ‘Pray for Rain’s chirpy, melody driven indie/pop punk sound sitting well with the opener and the likes of ‘The Hammers Fall’, the grittier tracks on the record.
It’s notable too, that there are no obvious weak links in their armor. There’s no filler. And but for ‘Jetsetter’, a rather lifeless slower number (the type that has seemingly become obligatory on rock records) every track has its own individual appeal. Whether it’s the devilish hook on 'The Lost Cause I Used To Be', the thudding hardcore intro to the album’s title track or the delicate vocals that conclude ‘Wrightsville Beach’, the record is teeming with standout moments.
‘No Sanctuary’ should be the release that sees A Loss For Words make their mark. A notoriously hard working band, they’ve got a split EP with New Yorkers, Such Gold in the pipeline, as well as a UK stint with pop-punk supremos Four Year Strong, and any successes to come will be very well earned indeed.
'No Sanctuary' is out October 25th through Rise Records.
Liam Mcgarry