Album Review: I Am The Avalanche - Avalanche United
Opening with the breakneck 'Holy Fuck', a song manhandled along by kinetic bass lines and lyrically driven by the breakup of a relationship, it is immediately clear that this album is motivated by more than simply a sense of ‘it’s about time we put out another record’; witness “Don’t pat yourself on the back yet, just shut your mouth, and pay your rent, and make a record they’ll never forget.”
Indeed, the record sizzles with pent-up energy, the desire to make an impression. Where the words are arguably most effective, however, are in the more poignant lyrical moments, doing oneself justice and finding happiness in the things that matter cropping up as recurring themes. The paternally nostalgic 'Brooklyn Dodgers' asks “Whatever happened to the New York gentlemen?” while 'This One’s On Me' is an anthem to good times spent with friends and family.
As heartfelt and sincere as the lyrical content is, however, arguably the most exciting thing about the record is the sheer strength of the tunes on offer, which manage to retain a vital, raw punk-rock edge while simultaneously slinging pop hooks large enough to catch-up even the most reluctant listener. 'You’ve Got Spiders' and 'Is This Really Happening?' feature two of the choicest singalong choruses but they are by no means alone in the infectiousness of their melodies.
It’s this blend of grit and sensibility that really makes this record a fine one. The songs don’t hang around, practically shoving themselves past you but stopping long enough to leave you with melodies that you’ll be humming for hours; more than that though, they feel sincere and surely that’s all that can be asked? While the raucousness could potentially grate given the time, it’s all just the right length to make sure that this is never an issue.
In the end, there’s little point in dwelling on why it took I Am The Avalanche so long to get on and release 'Avalanche United', just be thankful that it’s out… and that it’s as good as it is.
'Avalanche United' is out now on I Surrender Records..
Nick Worpole