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The Downtown Fiction Drummer Leaves The Band

The Downtown Fiction drummer, Eric Jones, has announced he has left the band to pursue "other opportunities in music".

Statements from the band and Jones can be read below:

"After three years of being in The Downtown Fiction, I have decided to leave to pursue other opportunities in music. I’m incredibly thankful for all the places I’ve been able to see, the people I’ve met and all of the experiences I was so fortunate to have. I never imagined I would have been able to do something like this and still have to pinch myself now that it’s over (for me, at least).
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this experience – I’m forever indebted to you. Thank you to my band, our manager Greg, the great people at Photo Finish Records, all of the bands I’ve toured with and the fans who made this all possible. Please continue to support The Downtown Fiction as you always have – I certainly will.
- Eric"

"Though we never like saying goodbye, Eric has decided to leave the band to pursue a career on the industry side of music. We’re incredibly happy for him and fully support his decision. With that said, we’re thrilled to announce that our live guitarist, Wes Dimond (Follow him on twitter @WesDimond), has become an official member of The Downtown Fiction and hope everyone will give him a warm welcome! As for our upcoming tour with the Plain White T’s, our good friend Anthony Villacari from Cash Cash will be coming along to play drums. Thank you to our TDF family for all your continuing support. See everyone on tour this fall!
-The Downtown Fiction"

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