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ATP! Weekly Recommendations (September 23rd)

This week's picks from the ATP! team include tracks from Seahaven, Jack's Mannequin, Thrice, Such Gold and more.

Jon Ableson

Seahaven - 'Understanding'

George Gadd

Jack's Mannequin - 'Doris Day'

Connor O'Brien

Oh, Sleeper - 'Endseekers'

Chris Marshman

Valencia - 'Where Did You Go?'

Chantelle 'Kiki' Goodchild

Such Gold - 'Sycamore'

James Barclez-Lewis

Four Year Strong - 'Just Drive'

Nick Worpole

Thrice - 'Anthology'

Edward Strickson

Tim Minchin - 'White Wine In The Sun'

Alter The Press!