Tour Blog: Candy Hearts (Part Two)

Keep checking back regularly to read Mariel's updates from the road!
"I’m sitting in the car right now somewhere between South Carolina and Atlanta. It’s our fourth and final day with Mixtapes before they go to Florida and we leave to make our way back up the east coast to Delaware. We’ve played some really fun shows and I’m sad to leave them. I’ve gotten used to standing front row for each of their sets, singing the words to all of their songs, all of the inside jokes and the staring contests and pranks we play on each other on stage, seeing who will back down first. I know we haven’t known each other for very long but I feel like I’ve gotten a new family of friends and this tour won’t be the same without sitting in the back of their van or hanging out in parking lots and talking about life.
On Monday we played with Dear Landlord in Durham, North Carolina. It was a large venue – probably one of the biggest we’ve played – and the sound was really, really good. For a Monday night, Durham sure did us well and I was psyched to finally meet Dear Landlord and Scotty from Death To False Hope Records. I slept in the van most of the day and emerged to hang out in the back room and sip water until my throat didn’t hurt. There was this girl there who made her dad drive her 2 hours to see Mixtapes play and she loved our set. It reminded me of myself at 15 and made me remember why I do this.

Last night we played in Asheville and it was the most fun show I’ve played in a really long time. Sometimes you meet those people that you instantly connect with, and even if you haven’t seen them in years, it’s like no time has passed. That’s how I feel about my friends there. They were the first people to introduce me to this scene that I fell in love with on our very first tour and they’ve been endlessly supportive even through times when I really questioned myself.
The Get Down was a cool venue and it was surprisingly packed for Tuesday night. Because we can’t take ourselves seriously for more than 5 minutes at a time, we carefully rearranged the billboard in the front advertising which bands were playing that night. The lineup? Fuxtapes, Handy Parts and Moldy Clings. I’m pretty impressed that we had enough letters to make that. After the show we went to this amazing fast food place where I put a small dent into my life goal of eating cheese fries in every state in America. We parted ways with Mixtapes so they could crash in their hotel and went back to our friends’ house. I fell asleep on the floor next to a dog that was bigger than I am, in my warm sleeping bag, with the sound of my friends laughing in the other room.

Today we’ve been driving for 3 hours so far, and we’re incredible full on the most amazing barbecue I’ve ever had and the cases of Cheerwine we bought. So far I’ve been eating as much foods as possible that I can’t get at home like hush puppies and fried pickles! The next step will be finding someone to take a pickle back (pickle juice and whiskey) with me, but we’ve been so busy that we haven’t really had time to drink. Right now though, I have some Demi Lovato to sing along to."