New A Loss For Words Album Update

"I'll let you know it's way fucking different. It's not a pop punk album. It's a rock album. like a mix of AL4W, Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World and a mid-90s alternative record. Really it's an insane eclectic mix of shit so don't go into it as a pop punk record because it's not one. We recorded it knowing it's not a TWY or NFG record, it's an AL4W record that we didn't want any type of influence or preconceived notion of what an AL4W record might be, especially based on other records that might've come out around or during the same time our record comes out. It's different and if you can't see that then it's no harm no foul but it's definitely not what everyone expects from us... which what people expect is a run of the mill room-temperature pop punk record."