Alter The Press! Presents: Lady Danville

For Fans Of: Death Cab for Cutie, Mumford and Sons, and Band of Horses.
Alter The Press: Why should Alter The Press! readers check you out?
Lady Danville: Michael has real nice bone structure. Matt is a trained contemporary belly dancer. Dan can do a pushup with no hands. With our powers combined, we sing songs in three part harmony and blend them real nice to make music leaving people feeling grand.
ATP: What's the story behind the band?
Lady Danville: We met in college while taking a course titled "Intro to Dinosaurs" and we had to write a 20-page final paper. All of us being of the procrastinating night owl breed, we waited until the last night to begin. When Matt and Dan went over to Michael's, we saw he had a keyboard in his room, so instead of writing our paper, we all stayed up until about 4 am jamming. This was good for music but bad for grades.
ATP: Single highlight as a band so far?
Lady Danville: Playing with Ben Folds for a secret show in Hollywood. During sound check he asked us if we wanted to join him for one of his songs. After peeing our pants, we composed ourselves and said yes. Then we asked if he wanted to play on one of our songs. He said yes and it was glorious.
ATP: What are your plans for the 12 months?
Lady Danville: We're currently on tour with Jack's Mannequin and will finish up in the end of July. Then we hope to record our first album before we start to promote it both domestically and abroad. In the meantime, we are just writing new music about love, life and woodland creatures.
Lady Danville on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.