Tilian Pearson Comments on Work with Saosin and New Project

Pearson was responding to a question on Formspring and stated he is working with Saosin on an album but he is not an official member.
Pearson's full response can be viewed by clicking read more.
"That's not true. I don't avoid the subject. It's also not true that I sought them out persistently. We were hooked up by a mutual friend and they sent me a demo. Then they came to watch a Tides Of Man show and said they loved it and would love to hear me on the demo. I recorded it in December (Promises). Afterward they told me they would love to do an album with me and wanted to meet up. Obviously I was pretty stoked on it and told them I would love that. I had been talking to mainly Beau and Alex.
When the Tides Of Man split happened, rumors started spreading that I was already "in the band". This pissed Justin off, who I had never really talked to, and he posted a pretty negative statement about me. That day I got apologies from the rest of the band members and assurances that they were optimistic something was going to come of it.
I went to California in January. We did a couple of rehearsals and recorded another demo. When I went home they asked me to record another demo, so I did and sent it to them. After that they basically said, "We know that this sounds vague, but we want to do an album with you." That has been the agreement since. I am not an official member of the band, but we are officially doing an album with me on vocals and will see where it goes from there.
Later Chris sent me the instrumentals for an idea he had (the first demo that leaked). I did rough vocals on it and quickly sent it to them before it was done because I had to leave home to do a few Emarosa dates.
About a month ago I visited them again to jam out some song ideas. While I was having lunch with Beau and Alex, Beau suggested that I start another project to keep me busy while they prepare to write the third Saosin album. I had talked about this with Chris a few weeks before as well. They mentioned that it would be unfair of them to have me sit around and wait for them at this point in my life, when I could be putting the energy in another project. Obviously I was stoked to hear that.
As it sits now, I am committed to doing an album with Saosin, and I will fulfill that obligation. I have started up with Archives and will put my energy toward its success. I also think I have some sort of contractual obligation with Rise Records. I had previously planned to do a solo album with them. I have a good amount of material written for it, but I have doubts about Rise's confidence that it will sell a lot of copies right now.
And to answer your other question, I have always been a fan of Saosin and love their music. I wouldn't say I held TTN as a bible, but I love Saosin's music, and I am beyond excited to work with them.