MSWhite Break Up

A statement from the band can be read by clicking read more.
"We're writing this statement to let you all know that MSWHITE is no longer a band.
We are truly sorry for the months of silence we left you in, but this is by far the hardest decision we took in our career.
You all know that we have been deported from United States during our first tour there, but what you may not know is that the immigration issues we had to obtain the right visas ended up with a negative answer.
Being blocked from playing abroad means seriously destroying all the possibilities of career for a band like us.
The only thing we could do was going on playing restarting from our country, being clearly aware that our path was
fatally compromised.
MSWHITE has never been a project carried on at 90%.
Since we started, this band meant, for all of us, the only reason to wake up at morning, and things have always been made with complete dedication and absolute application.
So, instead of withering under the shade of the past, we decided to stop it now, that we are proud of everything we've done.
Thanks, thanks to all the people that have been part of this project, even if they have never been on the stage with us.
In no particular order: Marco Micelli, Federico Brivio, Ludovico Galletti, Andrea Fusini, Francesco Zavattari and Claudio Maggioni.
Thanks to all the people that know a lyric and sang it once.
Thanks to all those that just yelled under the stage during a gig.
Thanks to the bands that supported us till the end, and to those that changed their mind in the middle.
Thanks to all the people we met around the world, you are our best memories we will have, ever.
We love you all