Interview: Weerd Science

The former Coheed and Cambria/current Terrible Things drummer caught up with Alter The Press to speak about the new album, Kickstarter, signing to Horris Records (Lars' record label), playing this year's Warped Tour and more.
Alter The Press: Josh, how are your teeth now? You’ve recently had one of your wisdom teeth out, yet only missed one show at Nottingham?
Josh: It’s feeling much much better. I’m pretty much in the clear with it now. I missed one show and it was heartbreaking to even miss that one show. Coming all the way over here to play - and I'm here to play y’know? You miss out on that rush and that feeling you get from playing every night. I feel really lucky that I only had to miss one show here.
ATP: So you’ve been here for 3 weeks now playing shows with MC Lars, how’s the reception been from Lars fans?
Josh: This is completely new. Completely different so I’ve gotta say this is the most fun I've ever had over here. Not just because of the project, but also because of where I am in my life, and certainly the people I'm around. It’s just really been the most positive, fun, life changing thing. It’s great. The reception’s been great. The whole idea was to come over and - since I've never been here (as Weerd Science) - to introduce me. Certainly what me and Lars does, there’s some similarities but there’s a LOT of differences. For Lars to give me the opportunity to be on stage with him and say “Hey packed house! I know you wanna hear 'iGeneration' and 'Download this Song' but this is my man Weerd Science” and the crowd shows me love through Lars so it’s never lost on me what a massive opportunity that is for me and I feel like we keep it poppin’ y’know? 'Clap if you < 3 Someone' is never gonna go over like 'iGeneration' or 'Download This Song.'
ATP: 'Sick Kids' is a great record. How do you feel about signing to Horris Records?
Josh: Oh cool. Thanks, that means the world to me. I care so immensely deeply about this record and I know Lars does too. That’s why I’m really proud to be on Horris Records. I know a lot of punk rock kids from where I’m from, in New York that start their own label because they’ve never had another deal from anywhere else. I’ve had three major label deals. I’ve been on the indie labels and this is the way that I really would prefer to do it. It’s hands on. It’s taking the bull by the horns. These are our careers, we mold it and shape it. It just feels like the perfect run you know? I’m gonna look back on this with the fondest of memories.
ATP: You and MC Lars used Kickstarter to fund your records. How does that work?Were you surprised about raising $30,000 between you both?
Josh: $22, 000 of it was Lars! The Kickstarter thing is a way for artist to see all those seeds they’ve planted all over the world bear fruit - what a great way to put the art in the hands of the people that really care about your band! Lars has put in so much work over the years and to me, it felt like every little mile you put in on the road just feels vital and it counts.
I love Kickstarter. I was checking Lars’ Kickstarter like it was my own. Lars wasn’t even with us and we were all high fiving! It’s just a family and what’s good for him is good for me; and what’s good for me is good for him.
ATP: How does the writing/recording process work for you?
Josh: It’s always different. It’ll be the hook first, and I'll build the beat around that. The process is that there is no process. Sometimes for me it starts with a drum beat and the notes are really secondary to it. I guess that’s the process, that there really is no process. Just really when the universe gives me something - however it comes out.
ATP: After this stint in the UK, you’re on Warped Tour with MC Lars. What are your tour essentials?
(Josh produces the four apples he’s taken from catering.)
Josh: Apples! It’s hard work to stay healthy.
ATP: Is this your first Warped Tour as Weerd Science?
Josh: Yeah. They actually tried to get me on it in ‘07 and I was really excited to do it. This will be my 4th time doing Warped tour but I just wasn’t in a place in ‘07 where I could walk to the store, let alone do Warped Tour. I just feel like the stars have aligned and it all makes sense now. What a beautiful thing when your life starts making sense? I’m almost glad I didn’t do it in ‘07, because now I get to do it with Lars and on Horris Records.
Doing Warped Tour is a big piece of that for me. I’ve really turned a corner as a human being, not to be overly spiritual but I really have and Warped tour is such a big part of that. After the ‘07 warped tour I felt like I would never do Warped tour again and I'd let my career pass me by whilst I was at home getting high. I’m sober now and to be doing it with Lars and what a great team? It just feels like there’s destiny at work and I'm just excited. It’s a big deal when your life is in such shambles and everything’s scattered about and then a couple things start making sense and your whole shit gets better - eloquently put ‘your whole shit’.
ATP: MC Lars has collaborated/sampled lots of iconic artists, who would you like to work with in the future?
Josh: We’re talking in dream land? Let’s try Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Ill Bill - Lars worked with Ill Bill. Lars just works with a powerhouse all over the map of hip hop like KRS-One. I don’t know if it’s the same here but KRS-One is a legend in America. When he talks, the whole hip hop community listen. He’s just one of those guys. If there was a hip hop mount Everest, KRS would be at the top. I feel really proud and excited to be included on Lars’ records. That’s the great thing about hip hop too. It’s almost like a never ending list of people and it keeps it fresh and exciting and I know Lars has a number of people he’d love to work with and he makes it a reality. Mine’s just a dream; he goes out and does it.
'Sick Kids' by Weerd Science is available now on Horris Records.
Weerd Science on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.
Words by Chantelle 'Kiki' Goodchild