Interview: Balance & Composure

Alter The Press! spoke briefly to drummer Bailey Van Ellis to discuss how the album came together, working with producer Brian McTernan, their forthcoming US tour with The Dear Hunter and more.
Alter The Press: Could you state your name and role in the band?
Balance and Composure: I'm Bailey and I play drums in Balance and Composure.
ATP: Tell us how 'Seperation' came together and what your orignal plans for the record were?
B&C: "Separation" came together fairly slowly. We took time off from touring and spent about 2-3 months writing everything. We had a bunch of ideas that we had individually made, so some of the songs just came to be by piecing one idea with another. As for original plans, we just wanted to put everything we had as musicians and people into it; it was the only way it would have felt genuine and satisfying when we were finally finished.
ATP: How has the bands sound progressed on 'Seperation'?
B&C: It's more thought out, we're older and more mature.
ATP: How does the record differ from your earlier material?
B&C: Well we had much more time to both write and record it so naturally I think it's just more well thought out.
ATP: You worked with producer Brian McTernan on the record. What affect did he have on the band and what was it like to work with him?
B&C: We couldn't have asked for a better person to work with. It was like having a Dad.
ATP: Is there a meaning or story behind the title?
B&C: It kind of speaks for itself. It seemed as if after writing the songs that the re-occurring theme was 'Separation'. I think a lot of people can relate to it.
ATP: Overall what can fans, both old and new, expect to hear from 'Seperation'?
B&C: They can expect what we feel are the best songs we've written together as a band. Hopefully they feel the same.
ATP: What do you hope people will respond to the record?
B&C: We hope the record represents a special moment in time, that many of our favorite records have done for us.
ATP: The Doylestown, PA music scene is becoming more and more well known. Why do you think this is?
B&C: It's more the Pennsylvania scene than anything. The only bands we really have from the Doylestown area are Daylight, Mother of Mercy and Circa Survive. We all grew up together and like similar bands but who knows, maybe there's just something in the water?
ATP: You're heading out on tour with The Dear Hunter soon. What can fans expect from the shows, especially those who haven't seen you before?
B&C: Yeah, we're really excited about it. Dredg is also the headlining band which has been great to see each night. They can expect to hear both new and old songs and we'll probably be pretty loud.
ATP: Can we expect to see the band overseas at some point this year?
B&C: Yes, we're trying our hardest to make it over. Hopefully sometime this year.
ATP: Is there anything you'd like to say to close the interview?
B&C: Thanks for thinking of us and hopefully we see you soon.
'Separation' by Balance and Composure is available now through No Sleep Records.
Official Website
Balance and Composure on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
Words by Sean Reid