Alter The Press!


Honor Bright Break Up

Honor Bright have announced they have broken up.

"We’ve been quiet over the last several months… so here’s an update.

Honor Bright has been a band for over 5 1/2 years now. We’ve experienced more than most people could ever even dream of. We’ve seen almost every state. We’ve grown as people, musicians, and brothers. It’s been one of the most difficult and most rewarding experiences imaginable. We wouldn’t have traded a second of it.
With all of that said, it is with insanely heavy hearts that we announce that it’s come to an end. Let it be said right now that it has absolutely nothing to do with personality conflict, lack of love for music, or anything like that. We’re all better friends than ever before. Spending the last 5 1/2 years has done nothing but strengthen our bond as friends. We’ve become a family, and so this coming to an end has nothing to do with that. And as for love of music… well anyone who’s spent more than 5 seconds in a room with any of us knows how we feel about that. But the music BUSINESS is brutal. It’s a cold hearted, bi-polar bitch. It can take your soul away from you and make you forget what’s important. It can take the MUSIC out of it. We started this band out of a desire to write and play the music we love. Songs that moved us and that we could have fun playing. An opportunity to express ourselves. Whether it was our fault or not, we can’t say… but somewhere along the line when this became our career, it started to become less and less fun. It started to be a curse and not a blessing.

Don’t mistake it, we love every show we play. We love you guys so much. And this isn’t the end of music for us. It’s just a chance to let music be what it’s supposed to be – fun. We’re in the process of setting up our last show as we speak, and it’s going to be a great one! We will be playing a ton of our music, probably almost everything we’ve written. Old and new. We’ll have great friends joining us for the show. And it’ll be cheap. Our way of saying goodbye.

Finally… we can’t say thank you enough. There’s no way we’d ever be able to express just how happy you’ve made the last 5 1/2 years of our lives. Your smiling faces, sweaty hugs, ridiculous pictures, perfect presents, and loud voices have been what kept us going through the hardest times. Whether you’ve been listening to us for 5 1/2 years or just found us recently, we love you and appreciate you so much. Without you, we would have never survived this long. Thank you for giving us life. We love you with every piece of our being. Stay tuned for info on our last show."

Alter The Press!