Feature: Safety Word Orange - 'Acceptance' Track by Track

About 'Acceptance'
When we started writing for this record we were really confident that we were creating some of our best songs to date. Unfortunately during that process though we encountered so many problems with balancing work schedules, internal struggles in the band and financial issues that this record almost never happened! After starting the recording back in December we stopped for a while to do some touring then finished up everything else in April. During that time we were able to really reflect on what this album meant to us. We've been through so much together as a band both good and bad that after a while you start to see what is really important in your life. No matter what stood in our way we overcame each problem and progressed and came out stronger as individuals and as a collective unit. This record is about those struggles and persevering through them to find that light at the end of the tunnel.
Sound the Alarm
Sound the Alarm is a song about a young boy and girl who want to be sucessul as artists, but they come to realize that failure is more common than living their Hollywood dreams out as well paid performers. The boy and girl's stories are being told by the boy. Speaking for himself as a struggling musican and relating with a girl he once knew (her), he walks you through the hardships of both being a hungry singer and a tired actress. The artsy boy and girl realize that they have been slaves to their own dream and now both need a way out. This song is about how love can be shared as a strength between people to overcome pain and how following your heart with good intent is the sure way out from darkness.
Tin Can Telescope
Track two "Tin Can Telescope" is about learning to make ammends, forgiving those who have caused pain in your life, and finding a brighter differnce from lost time and lost love. The song is about discovering a new world for yourself outside of anxitey and the presures of life as a young adult. It tells the story of a young man wanting forgiveness from a person he has harmed emotionally in a prolonged abusive realstionship. Longing for a new beginning the young man dreams of asking his exgirlfriend to run away with him, but never does because he knows he can never undo the pain he caused. Its a reflection on past partnership and present promise. The young man accepts the pain of moving on but swears to prove himself worthy to his lost and future love.
Breathe is the "letting go" anthem. Appropriate as the single off the ep Acceptence it deals mostly with learning to move past hard life experiences. This song heavily promotes the idea that it's impossible to move on from greif if you do not have acceptence in your heart, humility and a willingness to grow. A "picking up the pieces song" Breathe tells the story of a struggling addict who is finding happiness in his ability to move on to sobriety. It plays off of the idea of ceasing the day and never taking for granted our advances. Summed up the tune is about getting older and taking steps, counting on friends, and counting on yourself.
4:59 is about avoiding the monotony of adult life in hopes of finding a way to be self made. It's a story of a man who lives a double life that is pulling him in two very opposite directions. Its about being caught in the wake of a need to survive, but realizing that you can't trade your dreams for security. It suggests that if you're passionate about something you love and work hard to stay secure you will always have happiness.
'Acceptance' by Safety Word Orange is available now.
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track by track