Autopilot Off Update

A full update and can be read by clicking read more below.
"We are working on a handful of new songs, with the aim of releasing them in album form sometime in the (hopefully) not too distant future. Because we are at a place and time in our lives in which there are many other demands on our time that take precedent over APO, the recording process (which under ideal circumstances takes a great deal of time), is going to be extended. (Just to be clear, there is no label, no outside interests just us. Music for music's sake).
Our plan is to record our songs in batches and release them for free download as they are completed. This way, we can share new music with you in the most expedient fashion. When we have recorded enough material, we will compile some or all of it into a new album.
We are excited to see so many people interested in what we are up to (especially after all this time) and invite you all to follow along with us as we go through the process of making new music. We will also post photos, video blogs, and other content as we go.
We feel blessed to have always been close friends, to have grown and continue to grow together through so many life experiences. Autopilot Off may be one of the greatest blessings to us and, in addition to our friendship, is something that will bind us forever. We are lucky to have so many here to share it with.
Thank you all.
Chris, Chris, Phil, and Rob"