Alter The Press! Presents: Checking Pulse

The band are now set for bigger things with their forthcoming single, 'Aimeé'. A track that mixes quirky, cathcy electro-pop with a sensible-yet-fun pop-punk sound that has seen the band being compared to Paramore, All Time Low and even Lady Gaga. With such an eccentric and favorable sound, Checking Pulse have all the credentials to get noticed.
Alter The Press: Why should Alter The Press! readers check you out?
Checking Pulse: We are a female fronted four piece pop punk band bringing a fresh sound to the UK music scene. We use a blend of synthesizers and live vocal effects mixed with a pop-punk feel. We are a band who truly appreciates our fans and we love to take the time to find out what you guys want! We jam together and practice whenever we can, so we can put on an awesome show for our fans, especially if they have made the effort and spent the money to come see us. At our shows we love meeting new fans and I (Emily Wilson) can talk for England, so if you ever come to one of our shows then come hang with us. To sum it all up we are four best friends who eat sleep and breathe music and the only time we are happy is when we are on stage, meeting our fans or in the studio recording.
ATP: What's the story behind the band?
Checking Pulse: Henry (Hopkins - bass), Chris (Ridgers - Drums/Programming) and I (Emily) all met whilst studying music at a music academy in Guildford. Then moved down to sunny Bournemouth where we were lucky enough to meet Adam (Hughes), our guitarist, and the rest is really history. We continue to develop our sound as we develop in our lives.
ATP: Single highlight as a band so far?
Checking Pulse: Definitely shooting our new music video. It was so epic!
ATP: What are your plans for the 12 months?
Checking Pulse: We are currently working on a couple of tours. The plan is then to release another single and shoot another music video.
Official Website
Checking Pulse on Facebook and Twitter.