Album Review: Our Life Story - I'd Rather Change Than Stay The Same

Kicking off with 'Growing Pains', Our Life Story demonstrate the edgier vocals and the more intense drumming whilst still maintaining the upbeat, catchy riffs that they are known for. 'My Side Of Town' features vocals bordering on screams, and explores the bands heavier hardcore influences. Possibly the strongest track on the album, the lyrics and memorable riffs allow for mass sing-a-longs and is a sure-fire favourite for fans.
The instrumental 'Clark St.' may split the EP in two, but it works brilliantly as a lead into the next track, 'Suffering in Solitude'. Perhaps a little clichéd, and at times sounds too hollow to be of interest, the second half of the song builds up well to an end which almost redeems the rest of the track. 'Over Thinking' starts of franticly but soon leads to a more melodic chorus, which again is primed for singing along to. It builds up to a huge ending for the EP, and in spite of its faults, this song ends up becoming an endearing track, and a fantastic song to close on.
Overall, 'I'd Rather Change Than Stay The Same' is a brilliant EP from the quintet. It shows just how much they have grown as a band, and thanks to that they've managed to come up with some great original and catchy tracks. If the lads stay on this path they are bound to produce an almost perfect pop-punk record in the near future, and personally I can't wait to hear what they come up with next.
'I'd Rather Change Than Stay The Same' by Our Life Story is available now on Barrett Records.
Stream 'I'd Rather Change Than Stay The Same' by Our Life Story can be streamed here on Alter The Press!
Our Life Story on Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp, MySpace, Tumblr and Big Cartel.
Words by Blaise Ruston