Alter The Press!


Album Review: Morning Fuzz - Shadows The The Rearview

Morning Fuzz’s ‘Shadows in the Rearview’ is an EP full of sounds that come across more down home Middle America than New York City, but where the band calls their home holds no bearing since these songs would still be very good regardless of where they were penned. ‘Shadows in the Rearview,’ though a tremendously small sampling at just a four song clip, is assured indie rock that’s both polished and pristine, full of lush vocals nestled between layers of vibrant, animated guitars, backed by steady, confident drum work.

It should be known that when you embark on ‘Shadows in the Rearview,’ while it won’t be an endured experience, you will find nary a song unworthy of your time. ‘Sever the Range’ opens the EP with aplomb, encapsulating Morning Fuzz’s sound in the course of one song.

‘Shortcuts’ follows, showing that the band can playfully bounce while remaining endearing and engaging, though it’s the ensuing cut, ‘Got Down,’ that might just be where ‘Shadows in the Rearview’ is at its strongest, a song that could probably garner play on Top 40 stations if it were sent to radio tomorrow.

At times, ‘Shadows in the Rearview’ sounds culled from influences of decades past, namely the 1960’s, at other times the EP sounds plucked straight from somewhere in the earlier-90’s, but no matter what point you find yourself at throughout ‘Shadows in the Rearview,’ at no time will it be not enjoyable.


‘Shadows in the Rearview’ by Morning Fuzz is available now.

Morning Fuzz on MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.

Brian Campbell

Alter The Press!