The Rookie League Looking For New Vocalist

A message from the band, along with details on ow to audition for the position, cab be viewed by clicking read more.
"Some of you may already know about this and some of you are probably going to think this is ridiculous but it’s beyond our control. We have yet again lost another singer. All we can say is Jonny left on his own terms. But it’s not the end of the world nor is it the end of The Rookie League, Myself (Sam), Paddy, Shane and Adam have all been here from the beginning and we aren’t willing to stop any time soon We’ve decided rather than rush to find a new singer this time to take the opportunity to look for the best singer possible. Its better this happened now than later on as we are currently writing new material for our new EP and If everything goes to plan then hopefully it will be released this year. We’d like to thank our friend Adam W for filling in on vocals when we have needed him on such short notice. In the mean time our drummer Shane Lloyd will be filling in on vocals and our good friend Jordan Osborne will be filling in for him on drums. We are still playing all shows that are booked and are still taking bookings.
Currently we are looking for a vocalist. If you want to be our front man please see the requirements below and don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be in touch!
Vocalist requirements –
Must be able to travel to Sheffield City centre for band practice twice a week.
Must be a good singer (obviously)
Must have good stage presence
Must be over 18
Must be 100% committed and willing to book time off work for tours and studio time
Must be willing to help towards cost of merchandise / studio time etc
Must have experience in song writing and performing in a band
Must be friendly and sociable
Bonus points for –
Having the ability to scream/shout
Having your own transport (a van would be wonderful)
Living in Sheffield
Having tour experience
Send all enquiries, info, mp3s, myspace/facebook links to –
All vocalists who we think are good enough will be invited to an audition in Sheffield. We will send you a link to download our songs and lyrics.
Thank you for all your support! It means a lot to us. Sam, Shane, Paddy and Adam."