Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate) Posts Update

"Hello all!
We have some news to share with everyone, though it isn’t really “new” news, per se. We just wanted to say that we have formally stopped looking for a drummer and a bassist. Actually, we never really looked all that hard in the first place, and things sort of just naturally went back to the state in which we started the band. This is actually easier for us. We have plenty of amazing friends who have been super kind enough to fill in for our missing members in the past, and hopefully will do so in the future. Jon and DJ (our old drummer and bassist, respectively) are filling in for us next weekend for the last Joie show ever, for example.
That’s not to say that if we didn’t find the right people that we would at all be opposed to bringing them into the fold as full-time members. But for now, at least, it’s back to me and Cathy, and things are going well. I am also back to playing bass and drums too. We have written a whole bunch of new material (some of which you will be seeing very soon), and we plan on writing a whole lot more. The tentative plan is to get all the odds and ends out of the way (read: split 7″/7″ ‘s galore), and then start writing for a new full length in the fall.
To that end, we are cutting back a little bit on the show front for now and focusing on writing. We are going to do a summer tour or two, but we will get to those later.
As for the questions about the 7″ coming out on Topshelf (mainly, when the hell is it ever coming out, or, does it actually exist?)- it’s all recorded, but we are still waiting on some guest vocals before we can get it mastered and on it’s way. I know that this has been, what, coming up to a year of waiting, but these jams are killer, we swear.
Shows coming up!
First of all, a reminder to everyone that we did have to drop off Bledfest. Again, we apologize to Nate/fusion shows, but since it happen to fall on the same weekend as the last Joie de Vivre show ever, there was no choice as to what we could do. THOSE DUDES ARE OUR BESTIES! We are going to miss the crap out of them. We are also playing a show the day before on the way down there with our pals in William Bonney and more in South Bend, IN.
Here are the Facebook events for those:
5/27- South Bend, IN:
5/28- Rockford, IL:
I know I suck at updates, so I will try and do this more often. HEY, GET OFF MY BACK, I’M SEEMINGLY BUSY.