Album Review: Actors&Actresses - We Love Our Enemy

The opening track, ‘I’ll Turn You Blue’, is a haunting introduction to the album. Moody and atmospheric, this track sees the band experimenting with an eclectic mix of sounds and tones. The slow drum beat, driving bass and delayed guitars are complimented by Scott Bennett’s dulcet tones, giving the track a well balanced feeling of melody and power.
‘Sleepyhead’ reaffirms a sense of “calm before the storm”. It’s gentle, shoegaze-esque beginning draws you into the track, and slowly but surely, it just seems to build and build until you’re left enveloped in some sort of post-rock saga.
It’s clear that atmosphere and musical experimentation play a huge part in the bands sound. The final two tracks, ‘Poverty’ and ‘My Shell-Shocked Snail Shell’ are dark, almost mysterious sounding, and follow in the same footsteps as the previous two.
As these tracks are seemingly quite long (between 5-8mins each), you really have to be in it for the long haul if you were to listen from start to finish, but you’re sure to discover something new on each track with every listen.
With a remix album and a second full-length album release on the agenda, Actors&Actresses have made the right decision in re-releasing ‘We Love Our Enemy’; it’s unique blend of delicate melodies and overwhelming sense of atmosphere give you the perfect reason to keep an eye out for this band in the future.
‘We Love Our Enemy' by Actors&Actresses is available now through The Mylene Sheath.
Official Website
Actors&Actresses on Facebook and Bandcamp.
Sandeep Dawett