Live Review: Fireworks, Make Do & Mend and Save Your Breath - Clwb Ifor Bach, Cardiff - 22/3/11

Save Your Breath were up first, and suffered mostly from the awkward vibe from the crowd, despite the room being fairly full, the crowd never really got going and this had an adverse effect on the band but thankfully they didn’t put in a poor performance, the new songs from their forthcoming record sounded brilliant, and with a Movielife cover thrown in for good measure, their set should be considered a success.
Make Do and Mend took to the floor next and what they offered up was absolutely the biggest surprise of the night, despite looking so happy to be over here on tour, they delivered a set full of intensity that you couldn’t help but watch on in admiration, so much so that a half full room turned into one that was packed while they were on, whether that be through curiosity at what they could hear, I don’t know, but it’s an impressive feat considering how temperamental Cardiff crowds can be.
Fireworks are always a fun band, and tonight was no exception, as soon as they kicked into opener, “Geography, Vonnegut and Me” the crowd burst into life and didn’t let up once throughout the 45 minute strong set, a set that consisted mostly of album material, it was slightly disappointing that a song from their new album didn’t get an airing, but that is a minor gripe in what was otherwise a fairly flawless set, closing the set with their usual combination of “Detroit” and album closer “When We Stand On Each Other We Block Out The Sun” is always a winner, both songs are absolutely huge, especially the latter, it’s a combination that, unless beating on “Gospel” should never be changed.
Fireworks have improved massively as a live band, and with all three bands on this tour being outstanding, this was the best £7.50 I’d spent in a while.
Fireworks on MySpace and Twitter.
Make Do And Mend on MySpace and Facebook.
Save Your Breath on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.
Chris Marshman
Live Review,
Make Do and Mend,
Save Your Breath