Get Stoked! Records Announce Charity Compilation

The compilation will include tracks by Four Year Strong, Converge, Vanna, Transit, Therefore I Am and A Loss For Words and will aid the Helping Everyone Live Longer charity.
A list of bands appearing on the compilation, can be seen by clicking read more.
More information can be found here.
The single asterix (*) is for bands that are submitting rare songs. The double asterix (**) is for bands that are submitting new and exclusive songs.
A Loss for Words
Actor | Observer **
Attica! Attica! (ex-Marathon/De La Hoya) **
Autochrome **
Bike to the Future
Born Without Bones
Brian Marquis (formerly of Therefore I Am) **
Converge *
The Credentials
Darkwoods *
DJ Flack
The First Annual ** (ex-Guns Up!)
Fly Upright Kite **
Form & File **
Four Year Strong *
Freezepop *
Ghost Robot Ninja Bear ** (ex-Nakatomi Plaza/De La Hoya)
Ghost Thrower (ex-Therefore I Am) **
Giant Target **
Jason Anderson **
Late Nite Wars **
Lie Captive (from Plattsburgh, NY) *
Life & Limb **
Lucy Grace
Our Lives (members of Vanna, Always & Forever, Seeker Destroyer)
Paint it Black *
Peter Long **
Powerwolves **
Roadrage **
Ten Thirty Nine **
Therefore I Am
Think Again
The Tower and The Fool (ex-Therefore I Am, ex-Hot Rod Circuit)
Stand Accused
Unrestrained (from Vermont)
Vanna **
Wolf Whistle
Wrong Body **
yellowbirddd (ex-Fly Upright Kite) **
Young Victorians (ex-Lucy Grace)