Victory In Numbers Split Up

A statement from the band, can be viewed by clicking read more.
"Some important news from your friends in VIN.
"What a long strange trip it's been. Many of you don't know that we have been a band for almost 14 years. Nick started Blue Collar when we were barely in high school. I believe Bruce was 7. Weird. We have had so many wonderful experiences. And also some pretty low moments. We have made a life of writing and playing music, meeting amazing people, and seeing incredible things. Musical and other. I look back and realize that I have truly never know any other life. Music, in particular this band, has been an all encompassing factor in my life. And I love it. That being said, we in Victory In Numbers have decided to disband. We all kinda want to see what else the world has to offer. And what else we can offer, whether it's musical or not. I have thus far had an incredible run. Even in some of my lowest points in life I've had this band, my closest friends, to get me thru it all. For that I am truly blessed. I have no regrets. Only a million memories of an incredible journey. Thank you all some much for being a part of this. No matter if you were there from the beginning or just heard us in passing, you had a huge impact on our lives just by taking an interest. Keep an open eye and ear, we will still be making music in new ventures and projects. Rest assured.
Thank you for an amazing trip. BC/VIN has been a dream come true"
-Brian Hannon
"I received an email in April 2009 from the manager of the band Blue Collar. He told me about the band, showed me there tracks and before I knew it I was officially apart of Blue Collar. Not long after joining we changed the name to VIN and started looking for a label & I was finally in a serious band with great musicians and all around good people. We went on to sign a deal, tour the country, play warped tour, play some venues I dreamt of playing since I was a kid & accomplished a lot of amazing things all within 2 years. After Nick left things just weren't the same anymore. We did a tour with The Status which was one of the most fun times I've had but it just didn't feel right without him. At the end of the tour we decided it would be best to call it quits. However, I am far from done with music. I have a recording studio, a new booking agency & am currently searching for a new band to join/start with like minded people (message me or email me at Just want to say thank you to everyone that has supported this band as well as everyone that has worked for/with this band over the years. Sad to see things come to an end but very excited for what the future holds."
-Bruce Wiegner
"After many years of playing together, the band has decided that it is time to retire. I have experienced most of the best moments of my life while being a part of this band, and it was all very special. We have truly seen and done it all... house parties, 'battle of the bands, dive bars, cool small venues, huge venues, festivals, empty rooms, outdoor shows, hardcore shows, hip hop shows, spoken word shows, 'scene' shows, and on and on. We have been a local band, signed band, touring band, opener, middle support, and healiner. We lost our original lead singer Vinny Green in a car accident back in 2004. It only seems right to end it now and just appreciate what we had. I am not excited for the direction in which music, both the business and creative sides, is heading and therefore do not feel the same passion as I once did. I will never stop playing the drums and writing songs, so maybe one day the passion will be back and I'll give it another shot."
-Joe Altomari
Our last show will be April 10th at The Note in West Chester, PA with New County, Somersault Sunday & Sky Vs. Sea. Nick will be playing this last show with us.
In the words of... well... us.. "We say goodnight to you, not goodbye."
Victory In Numbers"