Exclusive Tour Blog Special: South By South West - O'Brother (Part One)

The first SXSW tour blog comes from Atlanta, GA experimental rockers O'Brother, and sees the band travelling on their way to the festival and stopping off in New Orleans.
Words by Michael Martens.
"My body feels like it is a lost art that my heart has been chasing after for the last six months while we have been at home writing, working, and spending time with friends and family. Last night I had some of the worst bang over (it's like a hangover but from head banging) that I have ever had. We started our baby steps to getting back on the road again the other night in New Orleans, our first stop on our way to SXSW.
NOLA is always an interesting place to be and this time was no exception. The show was at the Blue Nile, a venue that we had not played at before and it was a lot of fun. Of the eight songs that we played that night, six of them will be coming out on our debut full-length, 'Garden Window '[side note: this many new songs required us for only the third show ever in O'Brother history to use a set list]. With this much new material being played, I was more nervous than usual, pre-show. We've put so much of ourselves into these songs and we all want to play them live the best we can.
Usually, it takes a few shows to get used to playing new songs in front of people but everything went over pretty well besides a few technical difficulties with feedback and stuff in the beginning of the set, and we were a little rough around the edges but I think we all expected that.
Tonight we are in Denton, TX at Hailey's and now that we have the first show under our belts, I think we can all relax a little and really do what we do best. Playing music is what we all love most and we are beyond stoked to be able to travel and hang out with friends and share what we have created. We'll try and keep everyone posted on the happenings of this amazing week to come. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!"
Further information on O'Brother and 'Garden Window' can be found on
O'Brother on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.
alter the press,
O'Brother Tour Blog,