Alter The Press!


Album Review: Library of June - 53 Weeks EP

Humans are, by nature, fickle creatures. All of us will have been faced with a potential partner that we have ultimately rejected for either having the looks but no personality or vice versa. Let’s not lie – man is a shallow and vacuous creature and it takes more effort to keep our interest than it requires reasons to lose it.

Like the personality-less jilted lover, Library of June could find themselves alienating fans for one simple reason – the vocals. As much as I would happily take the musical section of the band on a date – probably even paying for the whole meal – the evening would be cut short as soon as they started talking.

The problem is, they aren’t that bad – they just don’t fit. There are definitely worse vocalists in the scene, but for LoJ something just seems out of kilter. EP opener, 'Even the Trees Gather Dust' is probably the prime example, though perhaps the first impression is not the best thing to judge them on. But, as everyone who has turned up on a date with toothpaste down their pants will attest to, first impressions are a hard thing to erase.

'53 Weeks' is a stand out track – showcasing the musicianship at its best. Comparisons with early Forgive Durden, Rory or Circa Survive can easily be drawn here. Song structure is inventive and original and the guitar-work especially shines. But by the time 'Your Eyes Remain Dry' rolls around the juxtaposition between the quality of the instrumentation and vocal work will begin to seem insurmountable.

It just seems a wasted opportunity – but perhaps, like the dating scene, it’s entirely subjective and other people will find the vocals quirky and charming. But for me, there will be no future, just the memory of what could have been.


'53 Weeks' EP by Library of June is available now on Undergroove Records.

Official Website
Library of June on MySpace, Twitter and Facebook.

Nick Robbins

Alter The Press!