Album Review: Eisley - The Valley

By all accounts though, life has been hectic for the Dupree siblings (and cousin) in the intervening period. What with relationship issues and parting company with record label Warner Brothers, they can perhaps be forgiven for the hold-up. Nevertheless, time serves to stoke the fires of anticipation and the pressure to deliver only builds.
Perhaps that’s why my biggest criticism of 'The Valley' is that it plays it a bit safe. The gorgeous melodies and flawless harmonies that make the band tick are, as ever, their greatest strength but where 'Combinations' took flak from some for a willingness to experiment, there are times one wishes they had taken a few more risks with this latest effort.
That is not to say that it is a poor record though, far from it. Two of the tracks from 2009’s stopgap 'Fire Kite EP' ('Ambulance' and 'The Valley'), are present here, the former amongst the strongest material ever put out by the band; that 'Ambulance' is also probably the finest track on 'The Valley' is disappointing only in that it isn’t really a new song. Despite this, there is plenty more to enjoy. 'The Valley' is a strong opener regardless of its being a re-release, second track 'Smarter' is bittersweet but beautifully balanced and 'Oxygen Mask' plays well on the charming whimsy that makes the band so pleasingly idiosyncratic.
'Better Love'’s expansive chorus is a real highlight and although 'I Wish' drags a little, the worse for its by-numbers approach to arrangement, 'Kind' is a real charmer, the more delicate and playful for it’s lack of percussion. 'Please' has a tough job preceding the wonderful Ambulance but it’s emotional honesty is affecting nonetheless.
Eisley manage to skilfully navigate a treacherous path, writing emotional pop songs while seldom adding too much saccharine sweetness to the mix; a feat more difficult than many give credit for. 'The Valley' is a good listen, the sound of a band comfortable with what they do well and happy to play to their strengths. It’s not a challenging record but for now it’ll do just fine.
'The Valley' by Eisley is available now on Equal Vision Records.
Official Website
Eisley on Purevolume, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
Nick Worpole