Rest Among Ruins Update and Line-Up Changes

An update and details on how to audition for the band can be viewed by clicking read more.
"Hey everyone! Mike here. We've been under the radar for some time now so I figured I'd post an update on the happenings in RAR camp. A LOT has happened since we last checked in so I'll try my best to fit it all in here. In October, Nate decided to part ways with RAR due to time commitments in other areas of his life including work, his other music project with me (Vestascension), and his regular body building competitions. This was a definite speed bump for us as we all loved working with Nate (whilst admiring his stunningly chiseled features and curiously hairless arms). But we decided that this should not and would not slow us down! So we did some auditioning and found ourselves a new bass player, whom we will announce soon ;) Moving on. In November, we finished writing the album AND finished tracking pre-production. So in December, we kicked into high gear and began tracking drums for the album and then guitars and bass in January. Everything was going great! Then about two weeks ago we got hit with a MAJOR curve ball when Henry decided to quit the band midway through tracking guitars. Yeah, baffling, we know. In fact, there are still little 'WTF!?' thought-bubbles following us around everywhere. Very inconvenient in rooms with low ceilings. But regardless of our new cloudy appendages, we've decided that this WILL NOT slow us down. So we are currently holding auditions for lead guitarists who must meet the following criteria:
1) 18+ years of age
2) Lives in or around the Baltimore area (close enough to make it to practices and meetings)
3) Has extensive live performance and lead writing experience
4) Has professional gear or a way of obtaining gear upon joining
5) Able to play the demos posted on our Myspace.
6) Has a strong work ethic
7) No drug problems.
8) (Preferably) can sing and/or scream backups
9) Able to tour
If you are interested in auditioning, please send us an email at
Before I say goodbye, I just want to ensure you all that we are still going strong! We have FOURTEEN SONGS written for our upcoming album, which we will continue to track throughout the audition process. Derrin will be revisiting/re-tracking/tracking all of the leads while we look for our second stringsman. Thank you all for your support and we can't wait for you all to hear our new material!
Mike and RAR"