Live In Leeds 2011 Details Announced

The full line-up so far, can be viewed by clicking read more.
Pulled Apart By Horses, Anna Calvi, The Duke Spirit, Aloe Blacc, Young Knives, Slow Club, Cocknbullkid, The Chapman Family, The Whip, Kassidy, Trophy Wife, Spark, Tribes, Fixers, Yaaks, Cloud Control, Swimming, Kong, Dutch Uncles, Cosmo Jarvis, Katzenjammer, Lanterns on the Lake, Cloud Control, 2:54, Gabrielle Aplin, All The Young, The Lines, Marcus Foster, Still Corners, Starlings, Young Legionnaire, Various Cruelties, Findlay, Films, Sissy and the Blisters, Polarsets, Foreign Office, Tall Ships, Stalking Horse, These Monsters, Wot Gorilla?, Castrovalva, Double Muscle, Aviaries, Love at Death Beach, Hail Animator, Sam Airey, Maggie8, Circles, Soul Circus, Little Parades, Milk White White Teeth, Club Smith, Runaround Kids, Insect Guide, Blacklisters, Loose Talk Costs Lives, Escort Knights, Yonderboy, Just Handshake’s We’re British, Honour Before Glory, Blood Oranges, Adult Jazz and Arthur Rigby and the Baskervylles plus more artists and special guests to be announced over the next few weeks.