Architects Bassist Announces Departure From Band

A message from the band and Dean can be found by clicking read more.
Message from the band:
"We're extremely saddened to announce that Ali Dean will no longer be playing in Architects. Most of you will already know that Ali was not part of our previous European tour due to commitments he had with his family. Unfortunately, these commitments are going to extend indefinitely and as a result he simply cannot commit the time required to continue playing with us. No one will miss him more than the 4 of us. He's been a huge part of our lives and we couldn't have asked for a nicer guy to be a part of this band, so we'd like to say a huge thank you to Ali for committing the last 5 years of his life to Architects. At this point we are uncertain who will be filling the role, but we do know we will be playing on all our upcoming tours and we have no intention of slowing down whatsoever. We're so stoked on how you guys have reacted to The Here And Now so far and we cannot wait to get back on the road and play to all you guys, beginning with the UK in April."
Message from Ali Dean:
"I just wanted to say a few things to make sure my reasons for parting ways with Architects are clear. I'm not going to go into any great detail, as I'm sure you'll all understand that my reasons for leaving are of a personal nature. My family suffered a pretty huge loss recently and as a result, I can no longer commit myself to this band to the extent necessary.
Playing in this band and spending the past 5 years of my life with these 4 guys has been extraordinary. I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to be in a band and travel with these guys, and to see and do all the things that we've done together. I wouldn't change a thing about the experience. I would love nothing more than to carry on, but I've now got other priorities and commitments which would not be right for me to ignore.
I'd like to thank Sam, Tom, Dan and Tim for some of the most ridiculous and amazing times, and also everyone that we've worked with and met along the way. I'd also like to thank all of you guys for your support over the years, the band would be nowhere without you all!
Keep supporting these guys, because they're an amazing group of musicians and more importantly they're incredible people."