Album Review: Handguns - Don't Bite Your Tongue

'A Year In Review' kicks off the EP with a structured quick blast of perfect pop-punk. Whereas 'Scream Goodbye' is bouncy and utterly fun, with duel vocal harmonies in the chorus coming off well whilst the thriving drum beats pound their way through.
One of the negatives with a band like Handguns is that they don't give themselves much space for variation. However the style of pop-punk they perform is harmless and is purposely built for pure fun, with 'Sink Like Lead' and 'Gag Reflex' being examples of this; fast and straight to the point with not much space to dwell on.
'Best Excuse' is slightly heavier and built round a basic bass line with a slower tempo. However its the insatiable chorus that makes the track one of the highlights; "Give me the whole truth, give me your best excuse" - sometimes its the most simplest of lyrics to win you over, this is one of those times.
The earlier mentioned 'Wait Up' sees the decent harmonies come back into play and are backed by a solid tempo and highly favorable chorus. Whereas 'I Hope He Kills You' closes the release with another firing blast of pop-punk goodness.
On the whole 'Don't Bite Your Tongue' covers all the usual pop-punk characteristics and sees Handguns push them as best as they can and simultaneously trim all the excess that others leave in the genre.
Seven tracks over eighteen minutes is more enough for old and new fans to get their fill, as 'Don't Bite Your Tongue' is more or less consistent from start to finish, as the bands good understanding for the genre is greatly shown here. Although like 'Anywhere But Home', this release is a stepping stone to bigger things, there is still enough here for the band to gain more attention and help them on their way.
'Don't Bite Your Tongue' by Handguns is available now on Bandcamp through Pure Noise Records.
Handguns on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
Sean Reid