Out Of Sight Go On Hiatus

A statement from the band can be found by clicking read more.
"Hi Everyone,
So unfortunately I'm writing this to you to give you some bad news. Some of you will have seen this coming, and some of you may surprised.
Out of Sight have officially gone on 'hiatus'.
Unfortunately we have come to a point where we feel we have taken this band as far as we can take it. This band has been going a very very long time. We started this band when we were about 13 (or younger) and it has been a huge part of our lives for 10 years or so. We have put so much into this band but unfortunately things haven't always gone to plan, anyone who is in a band will know that's normal, however that may be the reason we find ourselves here today.
As some of you know we released an album last year which we were so proud of when we wrote it back in 2008, due to many reasons and setbacks the album only got it's release 2 years later. In that time we went through a lot of changes as human beings and did some general growing up. 4 teenagers who were once in love with all the same music naturally started to pull in different directions.
We are all in different places at the moment. Writing and playing in a band together is just not possible right now. We all need to try something different and have the freedom to explore. We will all keep you up to date with what we are doing, but it will probably take a while before some things develop.
We are still the of best friends, that won't change, we have lived like brothers since we were around 6 years old, so there will always be a possibility of us starting something new together, but for now there isn't a chance of that happening.
So to clarify we're not saying that we will never play music together again, but we are saying that we have no plans to and simply don't know when that might happen again.
Thank you to everyone who has ever cared about our band, all our amazing fans who have been dedicated, patient and extremely supportive over the years. We have made some great friends through this band, and also had some truly incredible experiences that we would never have been able to have without this band. Memories and stories that will stay with us forever. Thank you.
Jake, Ben, Sean, Ted"