Album Review: Farewell Continental - EP #2

A huge amount of feedback kicks off opening track, 'The Great Decay' which sounds like a 21st century take on Pavement's 'Gold Soundz' with Allie Fox providing a clear opening statement whilst Dr. Richard unobtrusively responds. Contrasting the opening track, Kimball's distorted vocals open up 'Son of a Bitch, Son of a Whore' backed up by his crunchy guitar, the chorus is a complete opposite to this however being mostly sung by Fox in a singalong format.
The single from the EP; 'Total Devastation' references 1961 film 'Guns of Navarone' within the first line, Kimball croons during the verses whilst Allie Fox takes over during the infectious chorus'. This song really demonstrates how Farewell Continental have managed to take their 1990s indie rock music influences and added their own pop sensibilities.
However shortlived it may feel, 'Western Boys & Girls' features a Springsteen-esque melody topped with a 'Cut Yr Hair' chorus line. Opening with a very bluesy guitar performed by Rick Deckard. The closing Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young cover of 'Our House' brings a completely post-modern perspective to the original 1970 take of the song with sound effects of lazers. The ballad eventually crescendos into an incredibly grungy chorus backed by a simple drum beat
Farewell Continental's aim was to replicate the nostalgic fuzz of 1990s indie rock, they executed it perfectly whilst presenting their own take on it. Despite only being a side project of a certain Minnesota frontman, you can really see how Farewell Continental has gone onto influence his other band, especially on their last album, 'My Dinosaur Life'.
'EP #2' by Farewell Continental is available Farewell Continental is available now through Paper + Plastick on four different colour 12" vinyl.
Purchase 'EP #2' through Paper + Plastick Records here.
Farewell Continental on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
George Gadd