Man Overboard UK Tour Blog - Day 6-8 (Dublin, Birmingham + Margate)

We left the Kingston show and went to Adrian (Cecil) from City of Gold's house and showered up and ate some food. Big up to him and his lovely girlfriend for taking good care of us! We ended up getting to the airport to fly to Dublin a little late because we got lost and this caused a whole big ordeal. We had no time, too many bags and no idea what we were doing. Basically there like 16 people running around the airport like chickens with our heads cut off. After we rushed through security we had literally 2 minutes to make it from security to the terminal, which the sign stated "Terminal 4: 5-10 Minutes" on foot. We all ran as fast as we could and fell down, knocked over some old ladies (kidding), got stuck in a dark elevator but made it in the terminal for the guy to tell us that the plane sitting right outside the door was closed and we could not board. Quick thinking Adrian called Ian from Starters, who was already on the plane and had him run up to the cabin and convince the pilot to wait a second. We were then allowed on board and ran across the tarmac and got on board. I said, 'Fuck the world' and spent 5 pounds on some shitty slice on Ryan Air (European budget airline) pizza. Whatever, I was stressed.
We got to Ireland and headed to Ian from Starters house and I crashed out the entire day until the show. Fun show. We saw some old friends and I got to see my boys in Basement play again. Love those guys. After we got some McDonalds (duh), had some drinks and headed back to the airport to fly to Birmingham.
Back to the UK! The flight was way less stressful this time. Headed to Rich from All Or Nothing's house again to crash out and then headed to the show. Good times again. We ate a bunch of pizza. The dude was late as fuck with the pizza and said, "Ah sorry but dont'll love this pizza!". Yeah right. C'mon man! I live in Philadelphia! Your pizza ain't shit! Sorry Birmingham, your pizza doesnt stand up to Philly pizza. Thanks for the show though! Good times.
So the show got moved last minute from Canterbury to Margate. Margate is like an old deserted beach town, much like the New Jersey shore (yeah, Snookie, cool, I get it, relax). For being a last minute change and everything, the show was really fun. Awesome to see the Basement bro's one last time. Thanks to everyone who came and sang along. Appreciate that! We headed out from the show and got on a ferry to Paris. I bought my girlfriend some shit on the ferry with the last of my British pounds, I best not say incase she reads this but I'll definitely be stealing some of it after I give it to her! We are now in Paris at the house of Gwen (my old friend). I will update later!