Interview: He Is We

Alter The Press: How has 2010 been for He Is We?
He Is We: It has been unbelievable! We toured with a lot of great people, made a lot of friends and most importantly, released our album!
ATP: 'My Forever' has been received with nothing but praise. Were you expecting such a positive response?
He Is We: Making 'My Forever' was a really hard process on us both physically and emotionally. We totally poured ourselves into it. Song after song, we kept on writing. All we knew was that it was honest and was "us." The response has been totally overwhelming and flattering.
ATP: Do you have plans for a music video? If so, which song and when can we expect to see it?
He Is We: Yes! We are working on a video for "And Run" and have some other fun video ideas. Our friend Strawburry17 and a lot of other YouTube users make these AWESOME videos too that we LOVE watching.
ATP: How was it playing with Yellowcard at their first show in four years?
He Is We: It was unreal! I was super sick with pneumonia actually. The crowd was amazing, adrenaline kicked in, we had the most fun and Yellowcard were INCREDIBLE and so so nice.
ATP: When can we expect to see He Is We in the UK?
He Is We: As soon as someone let’s us! The release of the record over there was a little delayed. We got tons and tons of emails asking when it'd be released in the UK. Hearing you guys like us is crazy. It's the other side of the world and we're just weird kids from Washington state.
ATP: What is planned for 2011?
He Is We: TOURING! We want to meet as many of our fans as possible. Our van is named "Ursula." She was made for the road. We can't stand seeing her sit at home.
'My Forever' is out now on Universal Motown/FrameworkNY Records.