Feature: Next Stop Atlanta - 'Next Stop Atlanta EP' Track by Track

Alter The Press! recently caught up with the band to give us a brief track by track guide to the EP.
I'll Catch Fire
The opening track on the EP is the debut single (released Nov 22nd). The music video for the song can be seen on Alter the Press and Youtube, and goes to the music channels in the next couple of weeks. The song is about leaving the people and situations that hold you back in life. Also finding the belief within yourself to move onward.
We wrote this song for our best friend Alex who passed away just over two years ago. The title is his date of birth. Alex co-founded and named the band Me vs Hero. He inspired so many people and we wanted to write a song that reflected his personality; strong, passionate and upbeat. Matt O'Grady (producer) stated it was his favourite track on the EP. I think I speak for the rest of the band when i say, collectively its our favourite too.
You, Me And The Danceflaw
This song is great fun to play live. We always seem to close the set with it. Its about going out and having fun with your friends and forgetting about mundane nine to five routines and stresses and strains of everyday life. Its about letting go and just being yourself.
When Perfection Is Key
We decided to strip the song down and record it acoustically. It sounds raw and the emotion of the song really stands out. The concept of the song is feeling that you are not good enough to succeed. It goes through the motions and emotions of self doubt and paranoia. We play it as a full band live and its well received. Expect to hear a full band version of it on a future release.
Next Stop Atlanta on MySpace, Twitter and Facebook.
Sean Reid
alter the press,
Next Stop Atlanta,
track by track