Scylla Records Christmas Sale

All orders will include a free 19 track compilation and a free digital EP.
The offers are as follows:
1- Buy one get TWO free on a range of EPs and albums. £1.99 +p&p
2- Buy any t-shirts and get TWO free CDs. £2.99+p&p
3- 5 releases from our UK bands. £4.99 +p&p
4- Person L 12", CD album and 7" single. £4.99 +p&p (Limited to 20 sales)
5- 5 releases from our US bands. £4.99 +p&p
6- Lucky Dip. 3 CDs/Vinyl/T-Shirts at random. £1.99 +p&p
7- FULL catalogue. £10.99 +p&p (Limited to 5 sales)
Visit Scylla Records' Online Store for more info.