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Luke Leighfield UK Christmas Living Room Tour

Luke Leighfield will be heading out on a UK Christmas living room tour next month.

Luke Leighfield's latest album, 'Have You Got Heart?' can be downloaded for free here and a free Christmas single, 'I'm So Confused By Christmas' can be found here.

7 Sophie's House, Southampton
8 The Emersons' House, Southampton
9 Simon's House, Wisbech
10 Tom's House, Norwich
11 Aileen's House, Cambridge
12 Grant's House, Aberdeen
13 Vairi's House, Edinburg
14 Henry's House, Middlesbrough
15 Rob's House, Preston
16 Oliver's House, Lancaster
18 The Peel, Kingston
19 Holy Trinity Hazlemere, High Wycombe
20 Hannah's House, Southampton
21 Robin's House, Worthing
22 Emma's House, Sheffield

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