Ten Second Epic Posts Update About Twenty Twenty Tour Departure

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"This past summer we were invited on a European tour with You Me At Six & Kids In Glass Houses- which was an amazing tour for us both personally and for the band. It further proved our track record of becoming close friends with almost every band we have toured with, no matter what the genre or background. We were then offered the Twenty Twenty support for their tour, which we were grateful for as hitting the UK again right after Europe would be great.
However, things didn’t evolve quite as we expected and perhaps we should’ve done our homework a bit more. We are a pop rock band. We play catchy music because it’s what we love to write and perform live. However, despite expectations associated with the genre, we have always prided ourselves on delivering the best live show by practising and improving as a band (with our instruments...not finding ways to compensate for them). We believe using production tricks cheapens the experience for our fan, and when it comes down to it, if one of our fans just wants to listen to our album they could do so without wasting their time coming to our show.
There are a number of reasons why we left this tour, many of you probably already know them but the catalyst was a comment made on our tour manager’s personal twitter. It was an indirect comment that whilst it may sit true, was not his place to say, and under no circumstance is it okay for one of our crew to bash a band he is on tour with. We dealt with this situation internally but Twenty Twenty’s management decided that we should not be on the tour from this point on.
We have been very lucky for the 8 years we have been an independent touring band, and for the most part we have only toured with amazing bands and great people. Therefore, it’s not our intent to write this to complain and mope about the circumstances. We just wanted to apologize to our UK fans that spent money on tickets for the tour with the intention of seeing us. We are trying to put together as many shows in the UK as we can to make it up to you before we leave, while also spending time continuing writing for the new album, and of course spending some well-deserved time off partying with our UK buds.
We are in the process of adding more shows but for now we have these remaining:
25th October- Ibar, Bournmouth
30th October- The Shed, Leicester - FACEBOOK EVENT
1st November- Upstairs at The Garage, London (FREE SHOW) - FACEBOOK EVENT
We are grateful for the response we have received over the past days from both new & old fans regarding our decision to stick to our values of what it means to be a touring band. It is very important to us, and we are glad to see it is important to you as well. Big ups to all the bands who have stepped up and tried to help us with shows: Kids In Glass Houses, You Me At Six, Attack! Attack!, Canterbury, We Are The Ocean, Blitz Kids, Make This Relate, and many more.
Hit us up if you want us to hop onto a show on any of the days that aren't filled. Holla!