Album Review: Goonies Never Say Die - No Words To Voice Our Hopes And Fears

Throughout the bands skill of providing well thought-out structures is highlighted, as they have an ability to seamlessly leave you captivated and equally blown away. For example 'This Low Point Can Only Be Followed By A High' makes you feel captivated as you wait for the band to explode in unison, and this happens time and time again on 'No Words...'.
In addition GNSD are able to bring an element of surprise, as 'Paul' sees a band using a dance-like beat and "funky" guitars. Whereas 'I Love You But In The End I Will Destroy You' pulls at the heartstrings with its sweet, slow piano keys building to a cinematic conclusion of soaring guitars and thriving drums, all the whilst the superb piano work continues. It's mesmerizing stuff.
Elsewhere 'Monument To A Moment That Never Should Have Passed' is dominated by spikey, hard guitars and 'Indifference Speaks Louder Than Anger' kicks off with a massive guitar riffs before settling into a dynamic section, before blasting through with a apocalypse tone, as heavy guitars, stabbing piano notes and cymbals bring a dark, sonic conclusion.
'No Words To Voice Our Hopes And Fears' is definitely one of those records you have to listen to from start to finish, as GNSD take you on a journey that has its light and dark moments and flows with much ease. It is a record where your patience is paid off, as by its conclusion you can really appreciate GNSD and their approach to instrumental music. Without words they are able to powerfully grab your attention from start to finish, as their structure and arrangement has been carefully crafted to perfection.
'No Words To Voice Our Hopes And Fears' by Goonies Never Say Die is available now on Deep Elm Records.
Official Website
Goonies Never Say Die on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.
Sean Reid