Now, Now Every Children Release New EP for 24 Hours Only and Sign with No Sleep Records

The full blog post can be viewed by clicking read more.
"Something exciting has happened! Last night, No Sleep Records came to us and though we’re still working out the details, we will be re-releasing the Neighbors EP through that label! This release will include physical copies, and hopefully some merch will be available as well!
That being said, the label has agreed to still let us release the EP on the page, as planned, but only for 24 hours. So for those of you who have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this, the download for $5 is up now at:
And for those of you who who missed out on the preorder and would like to purchase a physical copy of the disc, we will have an anouncement soon about how you can get a copy through No Sleep Records!
NOTE: It will not be the same hand-crafted package or DIY, and the same special gifts will not be included, so those of you who managed to snag one of the preorder copies, don’t worry, you still have a very special limited edition version.
Also, we will be mailing the preordered copies with all the little gifts and such hopefully in the next week. Possibly earlier.
Sorry for the delays and for all the setbacks in getting this EP out there for you. It has been CRAZY the last few months and we’ve been trying really hard to make this possible. We are extremely bummed that we have to limit the digital release to 24 hours, but we definitely feel that releasing this EP with No Sleep is the best option for us right now, and for those of you who really want a physical copy. We hope you can support us and understand, and keep checking in with us. We promise to keep you all updated on everything. Talk soon!
Love always and forever,