Man Overboard Line-Up Change

The band posted the following MySpace blog:
"For those of you who were not at the show the other night in Phoenix, AZ, we announced that Wayne is leaving Man Overboard. No hard feelings, he just has some personal things to take care of and we wish him the best of luck. Justin, who has always been more of a guitar player than a drummer anyway has moved to guitar and our good friend Mike Hrycenko (who was in Front Page with Justin & Zac) will be joining the band on drums. Mike has been a best friend of ours since we were kids so we could not be happier to have him on board. Follow him on Twitter via @herchanks. Our friend Joe will be filling in on drums for the rest of this tour before Mike joins us. Big thanks to him! Hes in a great band called Shotgun Bang that everyone should check out -"