Interview: Just Surrender

Vocalist Jason Maffucci talks about the UK tour, the release and reception of 'Phoenix' and joining Razor & Tie and LAB Records in the US and UK respectively.
Alter The Press: How is everything with Just Surrender right now?
Just Surrender: Things are great with Just Surrender right now. Just dropped our new album, we're gearing up for a tour over in the UK and planning a headlining run in the North East for when we return in October. Couldn't be more stoked.
ATP: You're coming over the UK in September with Framing Henlay and Brooke, you looking forward to it?
JS: Absolutely! The UK crowds have always been very kind to us over the years. I am ready to play some great shows and see a ton of old friends. Not to pumped about having to eat that ketchup though... ick!
ATP: What can your UK fans expect from the shows?
JS: Fans should expect a set of Just Surrender's greatest hits (haha). We are playing some old stuff, some kinda old stuff, and a bunch of brand new songs off our record, "Phoenix". The record just came out over there. So we are excited to see what everyone thinks of it.
ATP: You've recently joined 2 great labels in Razor and Tie in the US, and LAB Records in the UK. How did these deals come about and how do you think your involvement with these labels can help Just Surrender going forward?
JS: The guys from Razor and Tie came out to a show we played in NYC last year, and the owner of the labels son was a fan of the band. He loved our set that night and told his dad to sign us! He did and hopefully the rest will be history. We have known a few of the guys from LAB records for a while and they were amped on the new record when they heard it, so they wanted to help us out. Both labels are indeed awesome and having been doing tremendous things for us. I can't wait to see what comes next for the band with all these awesome people on our team.
ATP: So your new album 'Phoenix' is finally out, how has it been received?
JS: The fan reception for this record has been incredible. People are already singing along to all the new songs live, and we have gotten tons of positive feedback.
ATP: Has the album come out how you hoped?
JS: A lot of hard work went into this record and I think it shows. It is my favorite record to date. A few of my favorite songs we have ever written are on this record. We achieved exactly what we wanted to with this record and if you haven't checked it out, I think it's about time you do.
ATP: The release date kept changing, what was the reason for this?
JS: We wanted to be prepared for the record to come out and with different setbacks and poor managing things kept getting screwed up. Eventually, the record leaked and we had to push the release forward, but I am glad we had more time to prepare so that now we can get out and show people what these songs are all about live.
ATP: Are there any bands doing the circuit today that you especially like?
JS: I am a big fan of the Dangerous Summer. Those guys have become some of our good friends and I have always loved their work. I see great things coming from them in the future.
ATP: Are there any British bands that you have discovered lately that you particularly enjoy?
JS: Not really lately... but I am a huge fan of Gallows. We have also made some great friends in the UK in some awesome bands; We Are The Ocean, and You Me At Six. If you haven't heard those bands yet, you need to check them out.
ATP: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
JS: Keep checking our sites for more info on upcoming tours and follow us on Twitter! Hope to see you this fall out on the road.
'Phoenix' by Just Surrender is available now in the US on Razor and Tie and in the UK on LAB Records.
Just Surrender on MySpace and Twitter
UK Tour with Framing Hanley and Brooke
Wed 16th - Cardiff Clwb Ifor Bach
Thu 16th - Birmingham Academy 2
Sat 18th - Leeds Cockpit
Mon 20th - Glasgow King Tuts
Tue 21th - Manchester Roadhouse
Thu 23th - London Barfly
Matt Buck