Album Review: Jimmy Eat World - Invented

Throughout their career the band have continuous shown the ability to write killer hooks, with lead single 'My Best Theory' being the latest in the line of these. Whilst not as sudden or impressionable as past singles, it still thrives on the bands driving guitar work and energetic performance. For the most part 'Invented' lives on driving "radio-friendly" numbers like 'Evidence' and 'Action Needs an Audience'; both in places remind of circa 1998 Foo Fighters and the fast-paced 'Coffee and Cigarettes' with its high harmonies and is Jimmy Eat World at their best.
Typical JEW numbers are spread here and there; 'Stop' is the steady-paced, calmly delivered with heartfelt lyrics track and 'Cut' is the atmospheric number that surges with male and female backing vocals, that bursts with much radiance near the end. It leaves you captivated and hanging on to ever last word from Adkins' mouth. The title track is the band stripped down, similar to the opening track, with a slow build and an overall eerie feeling which is helped by female vocalist Courtney Marie Andrews who adds a pleasant element throughout the album. Again (and as slightly expected) the band explode past the 5 minute mark, which is a relief to both them and the listener, although the bands return to a quiet state is welcomed and doesn't make it overall typical.
In terms of progression from 2007's 'Chase This Light', there isn't too much of it evident here. Nonetheless the bands use electronic elements (see 'Higher Devotion')and acoustic guitars makes 'Invented' more rounded and slightly varied then the former. In terms of songwriting, there isn't much change from what we've heard before but it is still to a high standard but it must be said, this is a Jimmy Eat World album that grows on you and the good and bad points don't come apparent straight away.
On the whole, 'Invented' will please fans of the band as the style hasn't changed much but remains to be consistent and the bands new ideas are taken in at a nice, steady pace which do not confuse or alienate the listener. This isn't on par with the bands best work but it's not their worst.
'Invented' by Jimmy Eat World is released on September 28th on Interscope.
Official Website
Jimmy Eat World on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
Sean Reid