Album Review: In Gratitude - Only In Youth

The six tracks here (including one remix) sees the band continuing the feel-good alt-pop that the latter produced. 'Prosperity' opens the EP up at a steady pace with Matthew Guttridge's light vocals complimenting the distant keys before bursting into a joyful chorus, that bounces along nicely. Next the aforementioned 'Moving On' brings the EP alive, with its singalong chorus that demands to be heard.
'Always' sees the band taking a more calmer, relaxed route with plucky acoustic guitars and sweet harmonies dominating the track. Its subtleness is charming and gratifying. Whilst 'In All Dishonesty' is a more rockier number, that in some ways wakes up the EP following the last track. The bands subtle use of echoed guitars can still be heard. However the bands structure manages to draw you in, as their attempt of loud-quiet rock works pretty well but probably could of done better.
'Delirious' was previously used as a b-side and gets another airing here with its breezy acoustic base, that sees Guttridge's comes to prominence and complimentary hand claps closing the main portion of the EP. Whilst the remix of 'In All Dishonesty' spoils the EP's flowness and perhaps dosen't belong here.
For a debut EP, In Gratitude have produced an EP that is favourable to win fans over, but equally dosen't quite live up to the expectations of the early single. Nevertheless with a few listens the bands positive energy will win you over, as their pop sensibilities mixed with a light rock coating is satisfying enough to keep you interested.
'Only In Youth' by In Gratitude is released for free on October 4th on Bandcamp.
In Graditude on MySpace, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.
Sean Reid