Mansions Leave Doghouse Records

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"Ok it has probably seemed like absolutely nothing has been going on in the mansions world for the last few months, but behind the scenes there have been some big developments. So here are some updates:
We have parted ways with Doghouse. This has been coming for a very long time now, so it’s not a big surprise or anything, but still somewhat of a bummer. Not really a bummer about being let go, because we wanted to leave, but just sucks that it didn’t work out. Growing up, Doghouse was one of my dream labels, so of course I wish that things had gone differently. I’m very thankful for what they did for mansions, especially paying a bunch for New Best Friends and releasing it, and I wish them all the best.
We made a new record at my parents’ house, on our own, for zero dollars. It came out alright and has gotten good responses from the people who have heard it, but I haven’t been totally pleased with it. I’m not really interested in putting out a record that I don’t stand behind 100%, so I’ve still been working a ton on it, especially in the last month or so. Redoing songs, writing new ones, and just making sure that everything is as good as possible. So hopefully that process will finish in the not too distant future before I go completely insane from working on this thing. We’re in the process of trying to find a new label and/or deciding what approach to take, so once the record is done and we figure that out, we will be able to put out a new record. Hopefully early spring.
We’re not doing a ton of touring right now. Touring is expensive, especially heading out west, so right now we’re trying to keep things more regional for the rest of the year unless something cool comes up. If you wanna play a show with us or set one up somewhere in the eastern half of the USA, hit me up and we’ll probably do it. I promise we’ll get back to doing real touring very soon.
So that’s whats going on, spread the world and try not to forget about us. If you’re interested in helping us out, go buy Best of the Bees here or get some merch here. Or just tell your friends about us, burn them a CD, talk about us on the internet, whatever it all helps! And come out to those shows with Jonah Matranga this weekend. I’ll keep yall posted on everything, talk to you sooooon.