Hit The Lights Sign To Universal Republic/Vagrant

Nick Thompson told Alternative Press:
""Hello world, it's been far too long!
For the better part of a year, we in Hit The Lights have been relatively quiet as to what the band has in store for the future. As some of you know or might not know, we concluded our contract with Triple Crown Records with the release of our last full length, Skip School Start Fights. SSSF was a record we made in a very uncertain time for our band and, because of the fans and the amazing support we kept/gained throughout the touring cycle, we made no secret that we would be writing a third record.
We took the time to talk to many great people and companies this past year. We discussed where we saw the future of HTL and, eventually, made the decision to sign with another label. We here in Hit The Lights are proud to announce that we have signed to Universal Republic Records, in partnership with Vagrant Records, and will be releasing a new record in 2011 to prepare the world for the upcoming Apocalypse!
Why have we been so low key on the label and new record? Simple. HTL's goal isn't to parade around and tell everyone how awesome our big brother is. We just want to start lifting weights after school so when you're on the playground and finally want a piece; we beat your ass, put you in a headlock and THEN have Universal Republic run up and finish you with an atomic wedgie. Now you've got a headache, ripped undies, the taste of blood and it all came out of NOWHERE! Oh, look; got the whole thing on camera-phone and it just went viral! Bet you wished you opted for the veggies over pasta, 'cause you've got mac and cheese spittle all over your Scottie Pippen jersey, prep.
So what now? This is what now: For the past yea,r we have been writing more songs than we have written in our career as a band, trying new things, trying old things and doing everything we can to make sure that this record is THE BEST HIT THE LIGHTS RECORD YET. We mean this. Keep your ears open on the playground, we've got more information coming soon. Thanks for all your patience, we'll make it worth your while. We'd stock up on some new, well-made undies as well. We can smell your fear!"