Hey Monday Bassist Officially Leaves The Band

Two seperate statements from both Jersey and the remaining members of Hey Monday, can be viewed by clicking read more.
Message from Jersey Moriarty:
"Dear Fans, Friends and Family:
The past three years of my life have undoubtedly been three of the best. I had been given the chance to truly live a dream and took full advantage of that. I have made more friends and acquaintances than ever expected. I have met fans that have made me feel like someone bigger than I will ever EVER really be. The photos, gifts and recurrences of these kids has kept the drive in me. I have seen places I could only imagine and dream of beforehand. I can now say, I’ve been around the world and back and have appreciated every step, flight, bus and train ride of the way. I’ve found love, hate and everything in between. I have been fortunate enough to make family away from family and find homes away from home. I have willingly learned and accepted more knowledge than any teacher could ever drill through my thick skull.
I am hesitant to announce with all the bright amazing new things this opportunity has brought, I feel it is my time to break from the Hey Monday family and move on. Warped Tour 2010, one of the best things to happen in my life, will be my last tour with Hey Monday. I wish to leave everyone in the Hey Monday family with nothing buthappy thoughts and amazing memories. We’ve had lots. I wish Hey Monday nothing but luck and incredible amounts of success in their near and far futures. I am convinced they will continue to take over the pop rock world day by day, song by song. I will indeed miss the times we’ve had as a family and on personal levels. Brother-sister chats with Cass when one of us was down or needed to get something out. Personal time with Alex, “living the dream” and realizing where were and what we were actually doing. Of course most won’t forget Mike and me causing our night after night of ridiculous, reckless trouble and being late to lobby calls. You are all some of the best people to have come into my life. Thank you for taking me in. Thank you to your families for letting me belong. It means the world. You are all very understanding and I’ll never forget everything we’ve been through together.
I hope to leave this picture on nothing but good terms and hopefully remain to mean as much to every person I’ve brushed up against in the last 3 years as they’ll remain to me… I am not completely sure where I will be headed, however will proceed chin up and continue to remain in touch with everyone I’ve been so blessed to meet and become anything more than strangers with. Please do not hesitate to stay in touch with me and when I figure where this life of mine is headed I will gladly let you know.
The only way to end this choked up cheesy string of cluttered run on sentences is simple:
From the bottom of my New Jersey heart… THANK YOU.
I love and will miss each and everyone of you that have made these last 3 years of an old dream a reality. I am lucky, don’t you DARE think I’ll forget…
Don’t be strangers.
Yours Truly,
Message from Hey Monday:
"Hey guys! We have some news that we are sad to announce. Our beloved bassist Jersey Moriarty has decided it is best for him to leave Hey Monday. This was a well thought out decision that he made towards the end of Warped Tour. We wanted to wait until everyone had some time for the news to sink in before making it public knowledge. This is in no way, shape, or form a bitter break between us and Jersey and we wish him the best in any of his future endeavors. We’ll miss the hell out of him and his Peewee Herman impressions. :) You can go visit his blog to learn more about his decision.
I hope that covers any questions you may have had. Thank you all for being so supportive and patient with us. I hope you are all enjoying “Beneath It All!” See you in the fall. Love you guys.
<3 cassadee and the boys"